Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for January, 2018

What Is a Slab Leak? And What’s the Big Deal?

Monday, January 29th, 2018

broken-pipeAn unfortunate truth is that no plumbing system is perfect. Scheduling your plumbing services with trained professionals will help to keep your system as reliable as possible. Even so, however, you are likely going to run into trouble with your system at some point. In some instances, such trouble may be relatively minor—something like a leaky faucet or a slow-moving drain. In others, the issue may be much more serious and could lead to very real property damage. This is the case with a slab leak in Brooksville, FL.

What is it that makes a slab leak such a formidable force in the world of plumbing problems? After all, there are leaks of all kind, right? What sets the slab leak apart? That is the topic that we’ll be exploring in today’s post—as well as some tips for helping you to spot the signs of a slab leak so that you can take prompt action if and when you encounter one in your home. Contact us with any concerns that you may have. 

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Why Choose a Ductless Mini Split System?

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

ductless-mini-splitsBecause we live in such a hot and humid area, it makes sense that you might give your air conditioner more frequent thought than you do your home heating system. That doesn’t mean that your heater is not just as important as your AC, though. If you are serious about living comfortably all year long, then you need both a great heater and an AC installed, regardless of how much you may use one or the other.

Of course, you could also opt to have just one system installed that will handle both your heating and your cooling needs. We’ve talked previously about how heat pumps are able to provide both heating and cooling, and today we are going to focus on a variation of that theme: the ductless mini split. Read on to learn more about why you may want to skip the ductwork when heating and cooling your home.

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Tank or Tankless: Which Water Heater Is Right for Me?

Monday, January 15th, 2018

baby-in-tubHeating water is something that you don’t really think much about. It’s not as if you need to do so in a pot on top of the range these days, right? Of course not! That’s what your water heater is there for. In fact, it is the sole purpose that this appliance serves. While you may not find yourself thinking about your water heater all that much on any given day, it is very important that you think about it very carefully when the time comes to invest in a new system.

If you need a brand new water heater in Brooksville, FL for a brand new property, or if the time has come to replace your old water heater with a new model, then we’re the company to work with. Before you schedule your installation, of course, you’ll need to determine which water heater is right for you. You don’t need to stick with what you’ve always known, after all. Today, we’ll be discussing some pros and cons of both tank and tankless water heaters.

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How Do Heat Pumps Heat and Cool?

Monday, January 1st, 2018

hot-and-cold-homesAs mild as our winter weather may be here in Florida, the fact remains that we still need reliable heating systems installed in our homes if we hope to make it through the winter season comfortably. It does get chilly enough around here to necessitate the use of our heaters, even if it doesn’t do so all that frequently. In fact, this is exactly what makes the heat pump such a great option for homeowners in our area.

If you are ready to install an HVAC system in a new property,  or if you want to replace an existing system in your home, then it is definitely worth your while to look into using a heat pump in Tampa, FL. Heat pumps are unique and their benefits are considerable. Just remember that even the best heating and cooling systems are not really going to impress if you don’t schedule your HVAC services with qualified professionals. 

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