Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning repair’

Unusual Sounds Your AC Shouldn’t Make

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

When your air conditioning system is running as it should, its operation will be mostly silent. You’ll hear an initial click when it turns on, the sound of the system turning on, and the gentle whoosh of air from the vents. 

When you hear a noise other than these, you’ll notice it. You may also notice decreased performance. Whenever your AC system makes unusual noises, it’s likely that you need AC repair in Tampa. Ignoring any unusual noises can potentially lead to a minor issue becoming a major problem if left unchecked. Let’s go over the unusual sounds your AC might make that signal trouble.

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Do Central AC or Heat Pumps Need More Repairs?

Monday, June 24th, 2024

If you are considering a new cooling system, you’ve probably heard about heat pumps. These are an alternative to traditional central air conditioning systems and are available in both ducted and ductless models, offering great flexibility. However, heat pumps can be more expensive than central air conditioning.

Homeowners in Florida often want to know the answer to an important question, “Do central air conditioning systems or heat pumps need more repairs?” This is an essential consideration to take into account since you’ll have to live with your new system for the next 10-15 years, and the need for air conditioning repair in Wesley Chapel should be factored into the overall cost. Let’s explain.

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5 Common AC Repair Needs & What’s Behind Them

Monday, May 15th, 2023

The hot weather has arrived in full force and by now, you’ve got a good idea of how well your air conditioner is performing. How would you rate its service? Does everything seem fine and dandy, or do you have some concerns about its performance?

Although calling for air conditioning repair is never fun, it helps to have an inkling of what could be wrong. When your AC needs help, it’ll let you know in obvious ways. Let’s go over the 5 common AC repair needs and what’s usually behind them. That way, you can have an idea of what to expect on your service call. 

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Refrigerant Leaks Are Bad News–Here’s Why

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

ACThere are plenty of issues that your air conditioner will encounter throughout its lifespan. one that sticks out and its ability to throw off your home comfort is the refrigerant leak. A leak in your refrigerant line is obviously going to lead to a loss of refrigerant in your system. What some people may not realize is this is the starting point for an avalanche of trouble.

It is clear to see that a refrigerant leak is bad. But why are refrigerant leaks such a serious issue and how can you figure out that you are dealing with one? We are happy to explain.

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You Might Need More Than Just an AC Tune-Up This Spring

Monday, February 24th, 2020

ac-with-moneySpring is just a few weeks away and that means it’s time to start thinking about your air conditioner. Of course, we are all familiar with the pre-season tune-up, but sometimes, your system might need more than that. Yes, that’s right: your AC might need repair (sorry)!

Below, we have outlined some of the most common AC repairs, that way, there are no surprises during your annual tune-up. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call our team for your AC repair in Tampa, FL. 

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Be On the Lookout for These Summertime Repairs

Monday, March 25th, 2019

ac-techAlright sure, here in Florida, the majority of us have been using our air conditioners throughout the majority of the year. However, rising temperatures mark the beginning of the summer season, and for most of us, that is quite exciting! Of course, there are many things that need to be done to prepare for the season ahead, like digging out your favorite bathing suit, stocking up on sunscreen, and ensuring that your AC is in mint condition.

You likely use your air conditioner a lot, which means that over time, it is going to require some repairs. When you need Tampa AC repair service, be sure to hire a professional right away. Hiring a professional HVAC technician at the first sign of a problem is the best way to ensure that your issues don’t become worse. Below, we have outlined some of the most common summertime AC repair needs. Keep reading to learn more. 

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No, It’s Not Too Early for AC Services

Monday, February 11th, 2019

tools-and-air-conditionerOkay sure, here in Florida we rarely go a day without using our air conditioners, so what exactly does “pre-season” mean when almost every day feels like summer? The line between winter and summer can be a little unclear, so to be a little more specific, we are referring to the months leading up to April, before temperatures climb into the 80s and beyond.

Scheduling your AC services before temperatures skyrocket is the best way to ensure a comfortable, enjoyable summer. You have plenty of other things to worry about besides a faulty AC, like getting the perfect tan, finding the best ice cream parlor, and remembering to pack the sunscreen when you head to the beach. When you schedule your AC services now, you can rest assured knowing that your system will keep you cool and comfortable, even during the hottest heatwave. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of pre-season AC services. 

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Your Air Conditioner May Be in Trouble If…

Monday, September 24th, 2018

AC-outdoor-unitThere are areas in the country where heating systems are already being fired up and are running quite regularly. Here in Florida, this obviously is not the case. Our air conditioning systems are still the stars of the show, as they are throughout most of the year. That is why, even this late in the calendar year, you really need to be tuned into your air conditioning system and the way in which it is operating.

Those “minor” issues that you’re noticing are almost certainly more serious than you realize. And, when you live in as hot a climate as we do, any air conditioning issues are cause for serious concern! We don’t care what the date on the calendar may be—AC problems always demand prompt AC repair in Tampa, FL. We are using today’s post to fill you in on some of the common warning signs that your air conditioning system may be in trouble.

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Why Schedule Professional AC Repairs?

Monday, August 27th, 2018

bayonet-truckIf you live in Florida and need someone to tell you that central air conditioning is a necessity, you may want to double check your address to make sure that you do actually live in Florida! The heat and humidity around here is the stuff of legend, and even those of us that truly love hot summer days—and summers that seem to go on and on—will admit that a comfortable home to retire to whenever you want is a must.

That is precisely why we want to talk to you about AC repair in New Port Richey, FL today. Or, rather, why we want to help you better understand why prompt air conditioning repairs are always in your best interest. Considering just how much we depend upon our air conditioning systems, we really don’t think that any problem with those systems can truly be called “minor.” So read on, and keep our number handy when—not “if”—you require repairs for your AC system.

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What a Refrigerant Leak Means for Your AC

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanAny problems with your air conditioning system are of major concern when you live in as hot of a climate as we do. Florida is just not the type of place where “good enough” is ever truly good enough when it comes to your air conditioning system! That is why you need to contact a member of our team the moment that you think you need AC repair in Orlando, FL. Problems truly cannot wait.

Now, we know what some of you are bound to be thinking. “Well, my air conditioner is up and running, so at least the problem is not that serious, right?” Wrong! Even if your air conditioner is still operational, that does not mean that it is operating properly. In fact, both “serious” and “minor” air conditioning problems can have very similar warning signs—which is why no AC problem is ever “minor” enough to ignore! This is definitely the case with those that suggest a refrigerant leak.

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