Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Making Your Air Conditioning Installation a Success

Monday, March 26th, 2018

ACConsidering how much we use our air conditioning systems in this part of the country, it really behooves homeowners to get their ACs off to a great start. Today, we’re going to be talking about how you can make your air conditioning installation a complete success. After all, even the best air conditioners are going to fail to impress if they are not handled properly right from the start.

We know that it can be difficult to navigate the terrain when it comes to a new air conditioner installation. For most homeowners, investing in a new air conditioner is a pretty major investment. Even those homeowners that are very comfortable financially don’t want to waste their money on a new air conditioner in Pasco County, FL, only to be unimpressed by its performance quality. So keep these tips in mind, and let us know when you are ready for an AC installation.

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Common Signs That Your Heater Needs Repairs

Monday, December 18th, 2017

dog-under-blanketWith the cooler weather of the winter season upon us, and regardless of the fact that our winters are much milder than those in other parts of the country, it is time to start thinking carefully about the overall condition and performance of your home heating system. Hopefully, you’ve already scheduled your annual heating maintenance in order to get your system ready for the coldest weather of the year. Even in doing so, though, you cannot make your heater 100% reliable.

While we may not be able to guarantee with certainty that you are never going to encounter the need for professional heating repairs in Brooksville, FL,  our team still wants to help. It’s just what we do. That is why we have put together some of the more common warning signs that heating repair needs are imminent. Keep your eyes—as well as your ears and nose—open for any of the following. Should you notice them in your home, remember that prompt heating repairs are always for the best.

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Don’t Get Caught in the Dark: What to Do in an Electrical Emergency

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Power outages are a fact of life, especially in Florida with the ever-present threat of tropical storms and hurricanes. So when your power does inevitably go out, make sure you’ve taking the proper precautions and made preparations to make it as small an inconvenience as possible.

Keep a supply of candles, matches, and a couple flashlights with fresh batteries on hand and in a place easily accessible to everyone in the household. When the lights go out, the last thing you want is to be rummaging around in the dark looking for these things.

Be aware of food safety issues. If the power outage is less than four hours, your food should be safe to eat. For outages that last longer than four hours, follow these guidelines for safety: a half-filled freezer will typically keep food safe for up to 24 hours and a tightly packed freezer up to 48 hours. If possible, pack refrigerated items that could spoil, like milk and eggs, in a cooler packed with ice. Also, try to minimize opening the refrigerator and freezer as much as possible to keep food cooler longer.

Water purification systems may not function properly during a power outage, so make sure to keep a supply of bottled water on hand for drinking, cooking, and/or personal hygiene. If you are caught in a power outage without access to bottled water, bringing water to a rolling boil for at least one minute will kill most organisms.

Consider purchasing an emergency generator. When you have an extended power outage, an emergency generator can be your best friend. You can typically purchase a basic generator that will power lights and appliances for less than $700. This article from is a great resource for choosing the right emergency generator for you.

If you want to alleviate the power outage risk entirely, Bayonet can install a standby generator! With natural gas or LP tank access, the stand-by generator system can power essential electricity to your home for weeks at a time, provided fuel is accessible. Generators are available in multiple sizes to suit your needs. Then, your lights, water, and refrigerator will always stay on! For more, see our upcoming blogs or contact a representative today.

Power outages are certainly a nuisance, but if you plan ahead with these relatively simple preparations you can weather the storm without too much of a headache.

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Don’t Get Blown Away This Hurricane Season

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Hurricane season is upon us here in Florida, and with it lots of rain, wind, and bouts of flooding. And while a disasters are always a possibility, keep in mind we don’t always have to get hit hard to feel the effects of the ‘canes.

One thing that is often overlooked during hurricane season is your A/C unit. While we tend to remember to board our windows, sandbag our doors, and put valuables in a fire/waterproof safe, we often forget that there is a large, expensive appliance just waiting to be destroyed by the gale force winds.

So how exactly do you protect your HVAC unit in times of wild weather?

  1. If you have a window unit, unplug it entirely. Bring the unit indoors and seal the opening.
  2. Turn off your A/C unit before the storm, including the circuit breaker, to avoid electrical shocks if flooding should occur.
  3. Cover your outdoor unit with a tarp, wood panels, or both to keep it as safe as possible from water, dirt, and debris. If high winds are predicted, consider investing in a pair of hurricane straps and batten down the hatches.

Once the storm has passed, portable A/C units can be placed back into their original locations. For the outdoor units, remove the protective covering, inspect the units, and check the base. Should flooding occur, call a professional like Bayonet to ensure that no damage has been done to the electrical portions of the unit.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for a safe and hurricane-free season, but better to be safe than sorry!

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Looking to Buy a Home? What You Need to Look for in Plumbing

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Spring and summer are the most popular times of year to purchase a new home. The weather is better for moving, homes show better with lots of natural light, and a summer move won’t disrupt a child’s school schedule.

Buying a new home is exciting but it can also be an extremely stressful process. Not only are you making a large financial investment, but you also don’t know the ins and outs of a home simply by looking at it from the outside. One of the most often overlooked items is the plumbing of a home. Plumbing is often an afterthought and if things aren’t immediately wrong during the inspection, you probably won’t see a problem until a crisis occurs.

We want to prepare our readers who may be looking to purchase a new home with a quick checklist of things to look for as you house hunt.

  1. Check the Water Heater. Things to look for include the size (a family of four requires about a 40 gallon tank), the age, the condition, and the location. Look for mineral deposits, rust, and corrosion. Note any issues and bring them up to your inspector/realtor.
  2. Lead Pipes. If you have children, you should avoid homes with lead pipes. Any home built prior to 1998 is at risk for lead pipes. Be sure to check and make a conscious decision regarding the risks associated with lead pipes.
  3. Waste Management. How and where does the waste from your plumping go? Is it to a sewer? A septic tank? If it’s a septic tank, ask the following: where is it located, how often has it been serviced, and how old is it?
  4. Test the Waters. Does the main shut off valve work? Test that when you shut it off, no water sources work. Make sure that there are no major leaks.

None of these necessarily mean that the house is not suitable for purchase –just be prepared and negotiate accordingly. If you need help with estimates or inspections, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Upcoming Events

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Florida is a destination for many conferences, symposiums and events due to the great weather, easily accessible airports, and abundant hotel accommodations. We enjoy going to as many conferences as we can so that in order to consistently bring the best service and knowledge to the table for our customers. We attend everything from HVAC, to building, to green initiative symposiums.

Here’s a list of upcoming events in and around Tampa Bay that peaked our interest!

May 31-June 3 2014 – Odors & Air Pollutants 2014

Every two years, the Odors and Air Pollutants Conference brings together environmental professionals from around the world for a showcase on odors and air pollutants management. This important event educates practitioners, facility owners and operators, researchers, and public administrators about current odor issues, regulatory requirements, and methods for analyzing problems and finding solutions. 

The 2014 conference is designed to foster informed decision-making and encourage the use of effective innovative technologies. The conference’s technical program stresses real-life experiences and lessons learned. 

June 22-24 2014 – Every Building Conference & Expo

Description: The most comprehensive education conference in the industry. Expert-led sessions offer the opportunity to increase knowledge, build skills, and earn continuing professional development credits while addressing the topics and issues that are vital to your success.

The latest innovations and technology solutions from the industry’s best resources. 400+ exhibits from leading manufacturers and suppliers give you one-stop access to the full range of products and service offerings to help you save money, add efficiencies, and increase property values.

We look forward to sharing more events as they are scheduled and continuing to deliver the best service we can!

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An A/C Unit is Only as Good as the Duct System

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

The coveted summer months have finally arrived and that means sunshine, hot temperatures, and fun in the sun. It also means that you are turning on your air conditioning units and will be running them regularly for the next few months. One of the most commonly overlooked areas of air conditioning units is the duct work that pumps all that ice cold air into your home – the ducts. Without a solid duct system in place your unit will not function at maximum performance, ultimately costing you money in added energy costs.

So, what are the most common problems with ducts?

Problem: Dirt, Dust and Debris. Dirt and debris from outside can make their way into your home by getting pulled into the unit and then into the ducts. Likewise, the dust that naturally exists in your home can be pulled into the vents and circulated throughout the ducts.

Solution: Professional Duct Cleaning. Outsource this – attempting to clean your own duct work is dangerous and will likely cause more problems than it will solve.

Problem: Leaky Ducts. The ducts are not properly sealed. Various studies have concluded that anywhere from 10-30% of the cooled air is lost as a result of leaks. Improper sealing is generally the cause of leakage.

Solution:   Get them tested. Bayonet can come out and evaluate and test the quality of your duct work and, should there be issues, make recommendations on how best to address them.

Making sure that you have a fully functioning A/C unit and well maintained and constructed ducts will help lower energy costs, increase performance, and keep your home cool as a cucumber this summer!

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BEWARE of Phone Scams! Real News for You…

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Yesterday, something disturbing happened to one of our customers. She received a call from another AC company telling her that a technician was in the area and they could schedule a tune up for her.

That in and of itself isn’t disturbing. I get those calls at my home all the time. It was what happened next that was shady, misleading, and fraught with scam. When the customer informed the phone caller that she had an agreement with Bayonet, they caller lied and said that we sold or subbed out our maintenances to them. This is completely false.

To borrow an adage: “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” If Bayonet didn’t pay this company to perform a maintenance and they sent a tech out to your home, why would you assume they want to be out there for free? Two reasons: either it is a scope and scam or they’re preparing to set you up for a “unplanned service event” which could lead to them telling a customer that their system required replacement or repair.

I wish I could get every person with an air conditioner to read this blog, but I can’t. For the time being, please take the initiative to contact YOUR service provider and schedule your maintenances. If someone has resorted to telemarketing to get a foot in the door, it is not a good sign. Make sure you check their references, BBB accreditation, and license with the state. Far too many people get ripped off every day. And don’t even get me started thinking about the technician this company sent to the home. Where did he learn AC? Was his background clean? Was he scoping out the home for a theft? Anything can happen and often does in this field. That’s why every Bayonet Technician has an Ask The Seal background check and certification. No one enters our customers’ homes without it.

We will be pursuing this company to the fullest extent of our abilities. I want to personally thank the customer for calling us to verify the story. Please use caution…I would hate to see this happen to you. There are a great number of reputable AC companies in business today. Companies that do the right thing and make a fair profit for reasonable work. But there are also companies who are less than inline with moral standard who prey on the good people who trust in them. Don’t be taken in by a scam.

This is why our technicians don’t sell equipment as many companies do. Our consultants act as a second set of eyes, making sure equipment isn’t replaced when it isn’t in the best interest of the homeowner. We believe in doing the right thing. No matter what. It means that we don’t have as many replacements as other companies in the area, and we’re okay with that. We can sleep at night, knowing we’re doing what’s right for the company, the employees and most importantly our customers in the long run.

So, to quote one of my favorite teachers of all-time, Mr. Angelo Rescinti, “Hey, let’s be careful out there!”

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Is Maintenance Right For Me?

Friday, January 24th, 2014

Maintain your AC unit? You bet! It’s an important appliance and often the most neglected one. Until it breaks. Then, it’s elevated to an emergency situation in most Florida months!

It’s a fact, most Floridians don’t want to live here without AC. These past few weeks, no one has wanted to be without heat either! For a few short hours, it was actually colder here than in some parts of Alaska! Brrrr!

Customers are getting more and more educated every day. At the same time, many don’t realize the importance of regular maintenance. Here are a few reasons maintenance is important.

1. Most AC equipment manufacturers are now requiring proof of your regular maintenance to keep your parts warranty valid. If that’s not reason enough, nothing is! It’s important to protect your unit and your wallet with regular maintenance!

2. You an extend the life of your unit. When dirt and debris build up on your coils, your unit has to work hard and through increased resistance to satisfy cooling demands. Anytime the unit has to work harder than its intended purpose, it takes time off of its useful life. We all want our units to last for at least ten years. Regular maintenance ensures that it does.

3. Less down time. With regular maintenance, small problems can be caught and addressed before they become large problems! Parts do wear over time, and statics show they give up on the very hottest day of the year. Not really. I’m kidding, but it certainly seems like that is the way of it!

4. Bayonet has an awesome MVP plan. All joking aside, Bayonet really rewards MVP customers. Any repair we make for a customer with an MVP automatically has a 5 year guarantee. Yes, you read that right. We will keep that repair solid for 5 years as long as you are an MVP member.

Need more reasons why MVPs are great for your AC unit? Call 800-219-3485 to speak to our amazing, friendly, and knowledge office staff today. Get an MVP….your AC unit will thank you!

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Bayonet Gives Back!

Monday, November 4th, 2013
Metropolitan Ministries logo

Metropolitan Ministries logo

As we approach the holiday season, I realize that there are so very many things for which we should be thankful. As a long-time employee and the blog writer here at Bayonet, I’m so thankful for my job, the people I work with every day, and for our customers and vendors and partners.

With this thankfulness in mind, Bayonet is launching Bayonet Gives Back, a campaign to reach out to the community we serve during this season and give back a little bit to some people who might need a helping hand. Today, we launch our inaugural Thanksgiving food drive.

Our company provides jobs for over 130 people in Pasco, Hillsborough, Lake, Pinellas and Hernando counties and serves thousands of people within those areas.Our new construction division will be trying to out donate our service division in a food drive to benefit the Metropolitan Ministries Thanksgiving Tent Drive in our areas.

We’re recruiting help from our customers! You can drop of two non-perishable items to our Hudson or Orlando branch to receive a coupon for money off of your next service call or you can give two items to your service tech at the time of your service call and he will take the discount off of your invoice immediately.

We are blessed to be part of a family here at Bayonet, and we want to unite as a family and reach a hand to those who need it at this time of year.

Won’t you join us in helping Metropolitan Ministries reach their goals?

And…by the way…thank YOU for being a customer! We sincerely appreciate your business.

Kris Blankenship

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